Your WISE journey begins here…

Where W.holeness I.ntuition S.pirituality & E.mpowerment Lives




Out of the 102 minerals your body has, SEA MOSS contains 92 of those minerals and known to boost immunity. Our wild harvested SEA MOSS is sourced from the beautiful Caribbean WATERS sun dried and charged by the SUN!



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Essential Oils

We offer a wide variety of pure organic essential oils including lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, & ying yiang. Our oils are extracted from powerful healing plants and act as antioxidants, antimicrobials, antifungals, pain relievers, & helps with anxiety and depression.

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Herbs have been used since ancient times for medicinal & healing purposes. The true power in herbs lies in their wealth of protective polyphenols. We provide powerful healing herbs such as burdock, blue vervain, and ginger in various forms such as dried, powdered, cut & sifted.